Special Programs and Student Driven Events
All Middle School Students participate in a Spring Musical, produced in-house by members of our Cathedral staff. Each middle school student has the opportunity to be involved in one of three areas: Performance/Actors, Design (Costume, Props & Sets) or Production (Lighting, Sound, & Marketing).
Middle School Musical
To foster a school environment where all students are connected, comfortable, and part of an inclusive school community, all students are paired with a “buddy” from another grade. For example, Eighth grade students are paired with the Kindergarten students, Pre-Kindergarten with Fourth grade, etc. Buddies sit together at Mass, have joint classroom activities, and occasionally attend field trips together.
Buddy Program
Cathedral School's Student Ambassador & Leadership program is for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. The mission of the program is to prepare Cathedral School students to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Cathedral School mission statement and student expectations.
Students must submit an application that is then reviewed and accepted based on the application criteria and member expectations. Cathedral School Student Ambassadors and Leaders support the events and responsibilities of Cathedral School by leading by example, taking leadership roles in school events, and mentoring younger students. Program members will meet weekly and attend workshops and other Cathedral School events throughout the year.
Student Ambassador Program
During Catholic Schools Week, Cathedral School students put on a talent show for the community! Tryouts are held in early January and the students perform for the whole school as well as a special evening performance.
Talent Show
The Cathedral School Choir is directed by Mrs. Wendy Goodwin, Cathedral School’s Music Teacher. The purpose of choir is to give students who love to sing a chance to make music with others while growing their vocal skills. The choir performs at various school events and sings a wide range of music – both sacred and popular. Choir is open to any student in 2nd through 8th grade who is willing to commit to attending rehearsals and a modest at-home practice expectation. Please email Mrs. Goodwin at wgoodwin@cathedral-or.org if your child would like to participate or with any questions.
Science Bowl
Under the direction of Mrs. Holden, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students participate in the BPA Regional Science Bowl in February. At the beginning of the school year, middle school students apply and try-out to make the Science Bowl team. Students meet after school to prepare for this fast-paced academic competition that tests knowledge in all aspects of science: math, geology, chemistry, energy, physics, environmental sciences and more. The science bowl is held at the University of Portland and is a round-robin, double elimination competition for middle and high school students across Oregon and Washington.
Pentagames is a statewide event with the mission to promote and encourage the opportunity to experience the excitement and challenge of competition in an academic arena. Led by Mrs. Flaig, Middle School students are invited to compete on the Cathedral School team in the Spring.
Battle of the Books
Cathedral School fields two Americas Battle of the Books teams every year: one comprised of Middle School students and one of Fourth and Fifth Graders.
Cathedral’s teams compete against other Catholic schools in two battles in the spring. The battles consist of quiz-show type questions challenging students’s knowledge of content on sixteen selected books. Students must read sixteen books and demonstrate proficiency by passing a quiz on the Accelerated Reader Program or filling out an assessment form about the books.
CYO Athletics
Students are invited to participate in Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) Sport teams throughout the school year. In the Fall, we offer Boys and Girls Volleyball teams (3rd - 8th grade). In the Winter, we offer Boys and Girls Basketball teams (Hotshots for 1-2nd grade and 3rd-8th grade teams). Finally, in the Spring, we offer Track and Field teams (3rd - 8th grade). Teams are coached by parent volunteers and there are scholarships available so every child can participate!

Student Life
Traditions at Cathedral
We have many traditions at Cathedral School that enrich our students’ lives.
Christmas Concert (All grades)
Cooking in the Classroom (Pre-Kindergarten)
Pumpkin Patch (Pre-K – 1st grade)
Portland Zoo with 8th Grade Buddies (Kindergarten)
Ladybugs and Caterpillars (Kindergarten)
Speech Festival (K – 8th grade)
Talent Show (1st – 8th grade)
Wax Museum (3rd grade)
Portland Bridges (3rd grade)
Altar Serving (3rd – 8th grade)
Battle of Books (4th – 8th grade)
Oregon Food Bank (4th grade)
Saints Museum (5th grade)
Outdoor School (6th grade)
Dodgeball Tournament (Middle School)
Flashlight Tag (Middle School)
Middle School Musical (Middle School)