Schoolwide Learning Expectations
Guided by our school’s mission and philosophy, our faculty and staff work to ensure that our students grow both spiritually and intellectually. In addition to excellence in academics, our teachers and staff bring Catholic teachings and values into the classroom, recess and other extracurricular activities. The following expectations are an integral part of Cathedral School’s curriculum and are a framework for our students to follow from Pre-Kindergarten through Eighth grade.
Be a Disciple of Christ
I demonstrate knowledge of Catholic teaching and traditions.
I participate in prayer and school liturgies.
I serve my school and local community.
I show respect and care for all of God’s creations. -
Be a Life-long Learner
I am engaged in my education and consistently work to my full potential.
I listen actively and communicate effectively.
I use resources and my critical thinking skills to solve problems.
I try my best. -
Be a Good Citizen
I take responsibility for my actions.
I respectfully interact with others.
I am a positive member of my community.
I use technology appropriately.
Positive Behavior Support
In addition to our School wide Learning Expectations (SLE’s), Positive Behavior Support (PBS) is used at Cathedral School and is tied to our expectations of students. Positive Behavior Support is a school-wide approach to creating a safe and productive learning environment where teachers can teach and all students can learn. Instead of waiting for misbehavior to occur and reacting to that misbehavior, PBS focuses on teaching behavioral expectations in all school settings and acknowledge students for following them. The purpose of school-wide PBS is to establish a climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm.
Honored Cougars
Students are given “Honored Cougar” tickets throughout the school day from teachers and staff for showing positive behavior. Each Friday, tickets are entered into a drawing for special recognition and one student from each grade receives the “Honored Cougar” for the week.
Throughout the school day classes are given “tokens” for being respectful, responsible, and safe. Every month, each class has a token goal and if they receive enough tokens the class receives free dress. Additionally, at the end of the month, Cathedral School hosts an assembly where a representative from each class puts their “tokens” into their class jar. Classes are also given “Golden” awards for being responsible on the playground, at mass, quiet in the halls, respectful in the cafeteria, safe in car line, having the lowest number of absences in a month and the class with the lowest number of overdue library books in a month.