Apply for the 2025 - 2026 school year!
Cathedral School is a Pre-Kindergarten - Eighth Grade Catholic school in Portland, Oregon, provided as a ministry of St. Mary’s Cathedral parish. Cathedral School provides an excellent education in the Catholic tradition. Students grow in faith through prayer, study, and service. As they develop their academic skills, they learn to think critically, to work collaboratively, and to understand themselves as learners. Students develop the skills and attitudes that will help them become contributing members of society.
The search for the right school is an exciting and challenging prospect for parents. Our goal is to help you learn about our community, academic programs, and staff, providing everything you need to inform your decision. Explore our website, and contact us to arrange for a tour of the school. The best way for you to get a sense of our core values, students, staff, and vibrant school life is to come and visit.
Enrollment Ages
Students applying for Pre-Kindergarten must be four years old on or before September 1st and must be fully potty trained.
Students applying for Kindergarten must be five years old on or before September 1st.
Learn About Our Admissions Process
Pre-Kindergarten students must be four years old on or before September 1 of the year they enter school and full potty trained. Kindergarten students must be five years old on or before September 1 of the year they enter school.
Priority will be give to applicants in the following order:
An active St. Mary’s Cathedral parishioner, who has registered with the church, has consistent yearly donations via WeShare, regular attendance at mass and child must be baptized Catholic.
Siblings of students enrolled at Cathedral School.
Catholic Family (child must be baptized Catholic).
Non-Catholic Family.
Registration means that the family is willing to comply with the programs and policies of the school. Applicants must meet all school admissions requirements. All students must reapply every year.
Cathedral School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. Cathedral School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
Applications are currently open for the 2025-2026 school year.
How to Apply
• All applications are submitted online here.
• With the application, applicants must submit a copy of their birth certificate, baptismal record (if applicable), a copy of most recent report cards and test scores (1st - 8th grade).
• Once your application has been received, you will be contacted by our Admissions Coordinator within 24-48 hours, who can answer any questions you might have and schedule a tour if desired.
What are the next steps?
Families will be contacted regarding placement, assessments or wait pool status. If accepted, families must pay a $250 registration fee via FACTS, sign a tuition contract and complete an online registration.If you have further questions regarding our admissions process or would like to schedule a tour, please contact our office at (503) 275-9370.
On-going: Application available online for new students
January 17: Re-enrollment deadline for current studentsLast week of January: 1st round of wait pool notified (if applicable)
February 28: Tuition Contracts sent
March 6: Tuition contracts due
Last week of March: 2nd round of wait pool notified (if applicable)
July/August: 3rd round of wait pool notified (if applicable)
Second week of November: First round of acceptance letters sent
First week of December: Second round of acceptance letters sent
Option A: Actual Cost Per Student: $14,000 per student
Option B:Tuition Rate Per Student: $12,000 per student
*Any family who funds their child’s entire education at the actual cost is able to receive a tax deduction for the difference between the actual cost and the tuition rate.
Fee Commitments:
Registration Fee (Due at the time of registration): $250 per student
Book/tech Fee: $250 per student
Fundraising Fee: $400 per family
Other Grade Level Fees:
Grade 6 Outdoor School Fee: $200 per student
Grade 8 Graduation Fee: $100 per student
All tuition and fees are collected via FACTS tuition Management.
Parish Scholarship
Active St. Mary’s Cathedral parishioners may be eligible to receive a $1,000 parish scholarship per student towards tuition. In order to qualify, the following is expected:
● The family is registered at St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish.
● Child(ren) are baptized Catholic.
● Weekly presence at St. Mary’s Cathedral weekend Masses, participation in parish ministries and are known to the parish clergy and staff.
● Consistent financial support of at least $700 per calendar year to the Parish, via WeShare.
● Volunteer for St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish (e.g. Ministry at Mass such as Reader, Usher, or Serve on a Parish Committee, Altar Server, and more) Please contact the parish office for more information.
● Have been registered parish members for at least one full year.
Parish Scholarships are awarded by Msgr. O’Connor.
FACTS tuition assistance applications for the 2025-2026 school year are due January 31st. To qualify for tuition assistance you must be Catholic and an active member of St. Mary's Cathedral. Apply here