
Pre-Kindergarten At-A-Glance

In the Classroom

Our Pre-Kindergarten program establishes a solid foundation, leading to a positive educational experience for years to come. The goal is to create a respectful, responsible, and safe classroom and school environment where all students can learn and play together as followers of Jesus.

Catholic Identity

Students attend an all school mass every Friday with their Fourth grade buddies as well as weekly visits from Msgr. O’Connor where they learn about stories in the bible and important Catholic traditions and holidays.

Typical Day

Students’ day begins with prayer and Religion. Followed by Math, Literacy, Science and Social Studies. Students additionally attend PE, Art, Music, Library and Spanish. Their day is filled with rich learning and lots of play based activities inside and out of the classroom as well as recess and lunch.

Cooking in the Classroom

Every week students cook something special for their class. The weekly cooking activity provides an opportunity to teach cultural traditions, science, turn-taking and sharing, fine motor skills, and math and counting. Learn more here!


Students are acknowledged and rewarded for everyday acts of service to fellow classmates and teachers. Additionally, Pre-Kindergarten students run a diaper drive benefiting the Mother & Child Education Center, introducing them to the importance of service in our community.


Students applying for Pre-Kindergarten must be four years old on or before September 1st and fully toilet trained.