Middle School

The Cathedral School Middle School serves students in grades six through eight. We welcome our students with respect for who they are and with delight in what they will bring to the world and to our school community. From our dedicated faculty, to our innovative academic, spiritual and leadership initiatives, our comprehensive middle school program is designed to inspire, nurture and support middle school students. We are focused not on exposure to content and activities for their own sake but on outputs–what students can show they have learned.
Middle School At-A-Glance
Comprehensive rotating schedule including Religion, Homeroom, Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Spanish, Art, Health, and PE.
Extensive Math program concluding with Algebra 1 in Eighth grade.
Service is a part of our students daily life. Middle schoolers participate in various community service projects throughout the year as well as model our faith-based learning to the younger grades.
The Future
Exceptional high school preparation with 100% of students accepted into the Catholic high school of their choice.