Fourth Graders take a step up literally and academically at Cathedral. As these students move to the upper floor of our school building, the Fourth Grade curriculum becomes more complex and organization and personal responsibility for completion of schoolwork is instilled in the students. As citizens of Oregon, Fourth Graders focus on Oregon’s geography, history, and political structure. Carefully planned field trips throughout the state to significant sites are capped off with an overnight camp-out at the Oregon Trail where students learn first–hand how the state’s pioneers first lived.
The Fourth Grade core curriculum builds on knowledge gained in earlier grades and moves students into an increasingly comprehensive and rigorous academic study, all the while assessing each child’s abilities and crafting individual goals for mathematics, reading, and writing personally designed for every child to thrive.
In Fourth Grade, students volunteer at the Oregon Food Bank. Students and volunteer parents work together in groups to gather, assemble, and package food for needy families throughout the state. At the end of each volunteer session, the impact of the task is made clear through calculations that tell children how many meals will be prepared and families that will be fed by their efforts.
Within the school building, Fourth Graders have-for the first time as Cathedral students-a buddy who is younger: every Fourth Grader is matched with a Pre-Kindergarten student. Together these pairs attend Mass, complete special seasonal projects, and participate together in all-school events where the youngest Cathedral students need a helping hand. Through this interaction, compassion, understanding, and empathy are fostered while the fourth graders relish the companionship of an eager, admiring four-year-old student.